Wednesday, February 17, 2010

waiting for a phone call

while i am nowhere near as anxious as i was this time last year, i am still pretty on edge every so often, especially when i get news that there might be jobs coming to town. while i am a freelancer, i am trained for and work in a fairly specific sector: entertainment. first, i am NOT an actor (if i was, i could pretty much kiss any possibility of paying back student loans good-bye). but i was trained to work in the theatrical field and have in recent years slowly moved into office-y jobs in film. as such, my livelihood is pretty dependent on living in a place where projects happen and as a current resident of philadelphia, this is not exactly the happeningest place for film, at least no where near the level of nearby new york. but every now and then we get a bone tossed our way and boy, do we find ways to claw ourselves onto the bandwagon. this leads to not just stressful unemployment but stressful attainment of employment. as projects move in, we're all throwing resumes in left and right and maybe under and over and then the most dreaded waiting game. WHEN WILL I GET THE CALL?! maybe today, maybe never. i'm constantly checking my email, checking my phone, tapping past colleagues for any signs. this is all terrible for my sanity and to help relieve this, i go to the gym whenever i get too antsy. while this isn't very helpful in getting me a job, at least i'm going to look good waiting. but seriously, CALL ME.

Friday, February 5, 2010

jury duty: the most boring way to earn $9

having become a citizen in 2007, i have only recently had to experience the sad boring responsibility known as jury duty. as expected, it was not fun, it took a LONG time and i was confronted by the fact that these were not the "peers" that i would want judging me if by whatever reason i get confronted by the legal system. the employees of the court were not funny despite feeble attempts at cracking terrible jokes, the potential jurors were all antsy to leave from the git-go and i did NOT enjoy having to get there by 8:15a. the only two things that i walked away with happily were my $9 check and my freedom to not have to do this again for a while (i was not selected for a jury so hurray!!). i had already received two summonses while i was working and now that i have no job, i had no excuse to not go. plus, now i have an extra couple of bucks to buy more beer for the superbowl! i'm going to say it here: GO COLTS!