Monday, March 16, 2009

laid off before i got to start

so i finally thought i landed a job, a short-term gig to be sure but still, something that paid weekly for six or so weeks.  i had a great interview, the location was close to my house and it might actually even be fun.  i got called later that day and was told it was mine if i wanted it and i was to start on the 16th (yes, today was to be my first day).  then on friday, i get the dreaded voicemail.  i was on the phone and another call beeps in.  i feel the dread sink in as i recognize the area code and instead of picking it up, i let it go through voicemail, hoping that maybe i was wrong and it was a misdial.  but sure enough, when i check my messages, a familiar voice sounded and yep, the company had decided to "go another route" and was no longer setting up offices in philly.  wft?!  what kind of game are they playing that they would tug at the heartstrings of a desperate unemployed only to close the door on her face DAYS before her first payday?  so instead of getting up at 7a this morning all excited about meeting new colleagues and learning about accounting, i sleep in late, wake up despondent and try to focus my energies on finding a dentist as my wisdom tooth has chosen this exact moment in my life to start causing trouble.  at first, it seemed like march was the month that everything was coming up me.  i got free beer at a restaurant, it was my birthday, i got a job.  now, i am still unemployed, have pain in my gums and have to start looking for jobs.  AGAIN.  the best part of finding a job was no longer having to look for one.  sigh.

interestingly, i took the loss pretty well.  i had spent the week between landing and losing the gig feeling a terrible premonition that it was all going to slip through my fingers somehow.  so when i got the call, i was disappointed but not quite surprised.  maybe this is a sign; i should try my hand at fortune-telling.  i already own the tarot cards so i just need a card table and i've got myself a business.

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