Thursday, December 11, 2008

day x

the idea for this blog really began as a joke (we thought that if we got some advertisers we could at least spend our days clicking the ads or getting other people to click them so that we'd make something like $9/month) but as i really don't have a job, it seemed as good as any other way to waste my time.  my friend and i live in different parts of the country and would be working in different sectors if we had jobs but we still have things in common, one of which, unfortunately, is months of unemployment.  on a recent visit, we laughed about this and that but mostly cracked on our inabilities to attain gainful employment.  we've been frustrated by a series of unsuccessful attempts despite the fact that we're both pretty well educated, get along well with others and are young and ambitious.  somehow though, we seemed to have fallen through the cracks and are now spending our days playing wii and deflecting questions by family and friends about why we can't seemed to get a job (it's not just us, it's a recession!).  while we've gotten pretty good at both those things (and a few others since wii playing does wear out your arm and we can screen calls), we still would rather do that daily grind thing if for nothing else than to get people to stop bugging us and that beautiful thing called a paycheck.  we both like to shop (and be able to pay rent) so the paycheck thing is rather important to us, especially since that nice education i mentioned before put us into debt enough for a small country.

so that's our plight.  we're not really here to whine about it but we thought if we could share some of our experiences here,  someone might get a chuckle out of it and we could say we spent 30 minutes of our day being semi-productive.  the other part of this duo is on her way to a cruise (all those jet blue points racked up during b-school and her current over-abundance of time have been good excuses to do some traveling) so she'll join this blog in a week or so.

that's it for now i think.  the arm's all ready to play another round of tennis.  the internet and technology have definitely made unemployment more palatable.

1 comment:

  1. hey unemployed b- unemployed k here! (your sister's friend from unc)

    i can be your pacific nw informant- pretty bad up here, too!
